CAPS is unofficially declaring 2019 the Year of the Somm. We’re uniting the community with a year of great promotions under the #sommunity hashtag. To kick things off – a great contest.
Three CAPS sommeliers – one each from Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario – will win a trip to The Vancouver International Wine Festival as CAPS sommelier ambassadors. Their assignment will be to share the experience of Canada’s biggest wine event with the sommelier and wine enthusiast community. One qualified CAPS (Ontario) certified sommelier member will win a trip to Vancouver to take part in The 2019 Vancouver International Wine Festival.
To enter, we’re asking you to write a brief essay to tell us why you would be a great sommelier ambassador to go to Vancouver for the event. The winning candidates will be asked to post about the experience via our CAPS publication and our social media channels. Why are you the perfect sommelier ambassador for the challenge? What would you hope to learn and what would you contribute to the event?
Tell us about yourself and why you deserve to win. Entries should be no longer than 350 words and should be sent to (Ontario only address) Deadline for entering is January 31, 2019. NOTE: Receipt of your entry assumes you have read all rules and regulations and are in agreement.
FULL RULES AND REGULATIONS: Three CAPS sommeliers (one each from Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario) will win a trip to the 2019 Vancouver International Wine Festival as sommelier ambassadors. Entrants must be certified CAPS sommelier members in good standing with valid Canadian passports. Entrants must be available to attend the 2019 Vancouver International Wine Festival (Date range is Feb 26/27 – March 2/3 2019) Entrants must write an original essay of no more than 350 words about why they would be a great sommelier ambassador to attend the event.
The winning essay will be chosen by a panel of three CAPS board members. Each winning trip includes airfare, hotel and access to Canada’s biggest wine event, the Vancouver International Wine Festival. Entrant agrees to pay transportation to and from airports, personal hotel charges (mini-bar, other hotel charges) as well as any other additional personal expenses. Some meals will be provided. If, for reasons beyond their control, the entrant is unable to attend the event trip during the above dates, CAPS, in consultation with the Vancouver International Wine Festival, reserves the right to award the prize to a runner up or chosen designate OR to award the prize for the 2020 Vancouver International Wine Festival. The entrant agrees to notify CAPS immediately in the event of any change in their eligibility status in writing as soon as possible.
By entering, each candidate agrees to represent CAPS and the VIWF by creating social media and online content at the event and consents to the use of their name and likeness for all content published by CAPS and the Vancouver International Wine Festival (VIWF) in relation to this promotion. The entrant acknowledges that this content is the property of CAPS and the VIWF. CAPS and the VIWF also may publish the winning entries without restriction or additional compensation.
By entering, each candidate agrees to represent CAPS and the VIWF with professional integrity and upholding the highest standards of the sommelier profession in accordance with the laws of Canada. Neither CAPS nor the VIWF are responsible or liable for any unlawful behaviour, damage, untoward expense or similar consequences or actions caused by the participants in relation to this promotion. By entering the entrant agrees and consents that neither CAPS nor the VIWF is in any way liable or responsible for any injury, damage or additional expenses incurred due to any circumstances, delays or events during the course of this travel or promotion.