The ROSEMUND Charter
To promote trust between mentors and students while fostering a safe environment for all individuals to grow professionally and personally in the hospitality industry.
Professional and Personal Development
The ROSEMUND Charter is a living document created to benefit beverage professionals in the stagiaire phase of their career. Further, as the hospitality industry is a dynamic one, this Charter will look to grow and increase its positive impact in tandem with the trade.
Professional Attire
A stagiaire may be required to wear formal attire that may include a suit, jacket, neck tie, and closed toe dress shoes. Grooming may include tying long hair back, lack of nail polish, minimal make-up, and a clean professional appearance. Women may not be asked, or required, to wear a skirt, tight or low-cut clothing, or an elevated heel.
This Charter encourages all individuals to dress in a professional manner, with clothing that is both comfortable and appropriate for the position. Walking in footwear with an elevated heel (i.e., high heels) has been shown to significantly reduce ankle muscle movement as well as balance control. High heels have also been shown to result in musculoskeletal injury, particularly ankle and foot sprains and strains. Wearing footwear in the workplace that is appropriate for the work being performed will help to prevent injuries from slipping and falling. In addition, skirts and tight clothing reduce mobility in a profession that requires a full range of motion.
Safe Passage
A stagiaire is responsible for their transportation to and from their placement. However, if a student is asked to stay past 10:30pm a cab chit, or paid ride share from the work placement to their home is required.
Being required to work hours beyond dinner beverage service is not part of the core curriculum of CAPS. Safety of stagiaires to their home is imperative. These individuals are unpaid during this component of their education — and as such are already under financial pressure. Many cannot afford to purchase a cab home, and must rely on walking, bicycling, or public transportation. These means of transportation can be unsafe late at night and put stagiaires in a vulnerable situation which can lead to a compromising situation and erosion of their personal safety.
Responsible Social Interactions
During the hours of the stagiaire program the mentor/employer cannot socialize with students outside of the workplace or outside of work hours.
The relationship between stagiaires and mentors is a trusted one that needs to be safeguarded. Keeping interactions professional during the time of study is necessary as the unequal power balance can create a perceived obligation for the student to attend social events they may or may not feel comfortable attending. Further to this point, limiting interactions to on-premise ones helps to eliminate the possibility of a mentor taking advantage of the power imbalance.
Right of Refusal of Service
A stagiaire has the right to refuse service to any individuals who infringe on their personal safety, security or well-being (be that physical, mental, and/or emotional).
Safety and security is paramount in creating an optimal environment for personal and professional development. No stagiaire should be subjected to a situation in which their personal safety, or security is compromised. This includes physical, mental, and emotional abuse from patrons.
Complaints Procedures
CAPS supports all students in their endeavor to pursue a safe learning and working environment. Students are encouraged to report any and all incidents that may infringe on the commitments set out in this Charter. Reporting is confidential and students will be provided with an alternate suitable placement. Any hours completed by the student will be honoured, and the student will not be required to obtain sign off, or to have any further interaction with their previous mentor. Please email and your concern will be addressed in a timely manner.