We would like to once again congratulate Pier-Alexis Soulière, winner of the Best Sommelier of Canada 2020 Competition, organized by the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS) Canada.
CAPS Canada stages this prestigious competition every three years as part of its mandate to promote the profession through organization and participating in provincial, national and international sommelier competitions. Not only does this competition award the title of Best Sommelier of Canada, it also determines who will represent CAPS at the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) Best Sommelier of the World contest, to be held next in Paris, France, in 2023.
ASI international competitions include contenders from 58 member associations, who are rigorously evaluated on both their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In selecting representatives to compete in international competitions, CAPS adheres to the ASI competition guidelines, including the requirement that candidates compete in two languages. All CAPS Canada competition contenders sign an agreement to abide by the ASI guidelines prior to participating in the competition. This practice is intended to ensure fairness for all participants and to respect the efforts of our members, associates and partners.
Regarding this year’s Best Sommelier of Canada competition, one of the three finalists refused to compete in their second language, in disagreement with the ASI Guidelines. The CAPS Canada board has chosen finalist Matthew Landry from BC and the fourth place finalist Hugo Duschene from Quebec to compete at the Best Sommelier of the Americas to be held in February, 2022. The third place finalist retains their placement and prizes.
We would like to thank Wine Growers BC and the rest of our sponsors for making the competition a success. In service to our membership, a huge amount of expense and volunteer work goes into the organization of this event every three years. The competition portion alone requires more than 500 volunteer hours. Thank-you to everyone involved for their time, skills and hard work.
CAPS is a national, independent, non-profit organization for sommeliers, wine service professionals, hospitality workers and wine enthusiasts alike.
For further information please contact:
Domer Rafael, CAPS Canada President, CAPSCanadaPres@gmail.com
Caroline LeBlanc, CAPS Canada VP, President ACSP/CAPS Quebec, president@acsp.quebec
Mark Taylor, CAPS British Columbia President, info@bc.sommelierscanada.ca
Sean Dolenuck, CAPS Manitoba President, ManitobaCAPS@gmail.com
Lynn Abernethy, CAPS Canada Secretary, CAPS Ontario President, president.on@sommelierscanada.ca
Paul Doucette, CAPS Atlantic President, president@atlantic.sommelierscanada.ca
En Français: Caroline LeBlanc, CAPS Canada VP, President ACSP/CAPS Quebec, president@acsp.quebec